The years that would follow only got worse, every family you lived with died in a mysterious tragedy. Would be kinda cool to discover a "new" secret in a 20+ year old game.At the age of 4 years old, your parents were murdered in your childhood home. If I pick it back up in the near future, I'll see if I can't locate it again. Never found it again, and I've never seen anyone else mention it in a FAQ or Walkthrough for the game. One time I managed to find a warp point behind a rock that took me all the way across from the south end to the north end. It either takes a LONG trek to cross, or you have to pay a ferryman. One more thing: there's a giant desert in the game. I did really like the alchemy system, though. It does go a bit quicker if you set the Dog's AI to the passive side (so he doesn't kill-steal.) Probably not as big a deal if the combat were better. It makes the game fairly grindy in order to get you shiny new weapon up to par with your old one.

It's not game-breaking by any means, but it's not as crisp as something like A Link to the Past.Īlso, the 100x kill per weapon to level it up is a little much. Like Secret of Mana before it, the hit detection is wonky, and lags while enemies are in knockback animations. I have a couple relatively minor criticisms of it, though: The environments are really cool, the music is great, and the concept is pretty unique. Even went back and played it a bunch somewhat recently. Anyway, have fun, and look out for all those secrets!! Sure, I may love it, but everyone is different, and hype can ruin an otherwise great experience. One thing I ask you, is to just check your expectations before playing. There's no need to pad out the experience with filler quests and etc. Some say that the game is too short, but i would argue that that doesn't matter, since it tells a great story. Thinking about it brings a tear to my eye, of happiness and nostalgia. SoM and LTTP are great, but the character in here is someone I can directly related to since he's not a mute protagonist, and his personality, and that of the other characters, really comes out in the excellent writing. It really registers with me on a personal level like no other game has. It's just about a normal boy, like me at the time, and his dog. Personally, the story is my favorite in gaming. Also, i heard about bugs with the game, but in the 5 times I beat the game, I never saw one. The combat is improved overall as well, I believe.

The sound is amazing, because of Jeremy Soule, this was one of his first games I believe. I personally think the art is improved from SoM, the sprites art crisper and cleaner, and all the main characters are unique looking with vibrant personalities.

To get this out of the way, I love Secret of Mana, but I feel Evermore improves on it in a couple ways. I've beat this game numerous times when I had my cartridge back in the day, and it is,my favorite game of all time.